Nice circular response. You've supported the infallability of the bible with a bible verse that supports it's infallability. Hmmmmm. Let me cogitate on that for a while.
drahcir yarrum
JoinedPosts by drahcir yarrum
The Infallable, Inspired Word of God
by drahcir yarrum ini have often wondered, if the bible is the infallable word of god and inspired in the minds of men by the mind of god.
then why is it you can prove or disprove just about anything with it?.
these are the sorts of questions that cause problems for organizations that claim to also be god's spokesmen.
The Infallable, Inspired Word of God
by drahcir yarrum ini have often wondered, if the bible is the infallable word of god and inspired in the minds of men by the mind of god.
then why is it you can prove or disprove just about anything with it?.
these are the sorts of questions that cause problems for organizations that claim to also be god's spokesmen.
drahcir yarrum
I have often wondered, if the Bible is the infallable word of God and inspired in the minds of men by the mind of God. . . then why is it you can prove or disprove just about anything with it?
These are the sorts of questions that cause problems for organizations that claim to also be God's spokesmen.
by drahcir yarrum inmy only exposure to mormonism was a tour my family and i had of the mormon complex in salt lake city a few years back.
it was very interesting and of course they have the tours conducted by young single mormon women.
i must say, they don't look like marie osmond.
drahcir yarrum
My only exposure to Mormonism was a tour my family and I had of the Mormon complex in Salt Lake City a few years back. It was very interesting and of course they have the tours conducted by young single Mormon women. I must say, they don't look like Marie Osmond. I think the talent pool at a large metropolitan Kingdom Hall is greater than all of the Mormon women I saw that day. No wonder young Mormon men ride their bikes so fast.
Anyway, after the tour, they asked us to fill out a visitors card. I immediately grabbed it out of my wifes hand and filled in my next door neighbors name and address. He did mention that he got a phone call from a Mormon about a month after our return. I still haven't told him why. I think I'll get him a gift subscription to the Watchtower this year. Maybe someone from the local congregation will call him. No wonder they call us "evil slave" huh?
Grain For Sale
by drahcir yarrum ini have come into possession of several bushels of "miracle wheat".
if you can help me find a buyer, i will pay a finders fee.
drahcir yarrum
Just because Russell didn't make a profit doesn't mean I can't.
Grain For Sale
by drahcir yarrum ini have come into possession of several bushels of "miracle wheat".
if you can help me find a buyer, i will pay a finders fee.
drahcir yarrum
I have come into possession of several bushels of "Miracle Wheat". If you can help me find a buyer, I will pay a finders fee.
Staying awake during the Watchtower study
by drahcir yarrum inhere's a question i always wanted answered during the years i was a witness.
what's the best way to stay awake during the watchtower study?
oh, furthermore, what's the best way to stay awake during any witness "snooze-a-thon" brainwashing session?
drahcir yarrum
Those are interesting methods for staying awake during meetings and assemblies. On a serious note, how difficult is it for those of you still attending Witness meetings regularly when you know it is NOT the truth? To me, your sacrifice is more than the sacrifice of those like me who have simply walked away.
Staying awake during the Watchtower study
by drahcir yarrum inhere's a question i always wanted answered during the years i was a witness.
what's the best way to stay awake during the watchtower study?
oh, furthermore, what's the best way to stay awake during any witness "snooze-a-thon" brainwashing session?
drahcir yarrum
Here's a question I always wanted answered during the years I was a Witness. . . What's the best way to stay awake during the Watchtower study? Oh, furthermore, what's the best way to stay awake during any Witness "snooze-a-thon" brainwashing session?
I am new here also. My story is like many others.
by drahcir yarrum inmy parents became jw's when i was about 2 years old.
i only had one christmas and i don't remember it that well.
my father was a chiropractor (strike 2) and worked his ass off and my mother became the religious leader of the family.
drahcir yarrum
Thanks for the comment Brenda. I couldn't help notice that you figured out my name. Does that mean it's possible that the GB has also figured it out. Oh my!
Thanks again,
by tattoogrl333 ini flat out asked the jw i'm studying with what she would do if someone was disfellowshipped and she was honest and said she wouldn't talk to them since they wouldn't be good examples of jehovah witness.
then we started talking about appearances and tattoos, and about my pink hair :) and she said it didn't matter.
i am enjoying reading and visiting this web site but i am just not seeing the same things you guys have.
drahcir yarrum
You will not be allowed to see the bad things until you make a committment to the witnesses, abandon your previous friends and family and become emotionally dependent on your new witness friends. Once you are part of the organization, you will follow orders or you will risk losing all of your emotional support i.e., your new witness family.
Please do some basic research in "cults" and you will begin to see the process through which you are being led.
I remember a witness friend of mine once lamenting that he saw the witness "organization" as a multitude of "down and outers". I would, for the most part have to agree.
I am new here also. My story is like many others.
by drahcir yarrum inmy parents became jw's when i was about 2 years old.
i only had one christmas and i don't remember it that well.
my father was a chiropractor (strike 2) and worked his ass off and my mother became the religious leader of the family.
drahcir yarrum
My parents became JW's when I was about 2 years old. I only had one Christmas and I don't remember it that well. My father was a chiropractor (strike 2) and worked his ass off and my mother became the religious leader of the family. She herded all 5 of us to the meetings until we were in our teens. While my dad was a true believer, he didn't attend meetings or go out in service regularly.
Growing up a witness was a living hell. Especially as a teenager. No sports, dances, dating, holidays or fun. Just meetings, school work, door to door work and masturbation. Glad to say I no longer do most of those things.
After high school the choices were, go to Viet Nam, prison, work in a hospital as a conscientious objector or "pioneer" (UGH!) I cowardly chose the latter.
I didn't last long as a pioneer because there weren't that many laundromats in my town to leave Watchtowers and Awakes in. Sometimes the older women pioneers would poach in my laundromats leaving older issues. I would go in behind them and replace them with new issues.
When I realized that I could no longer stand pioneering, wasn't getting laid and still didn't want to go to prison I decided to go to Bethel. What's a four year committment when your life is hell anyway?
When I arrived at Bethel I realized that pioneering was a walk in the park. New York stunk, was too cold in the winter, too hot in the summer and you can't live there on $14.00 a month. There was not a sign of Christianity at Bethel and there appeared to be rampant homosexuality, self-righteousness and hypocrisy. After two years I had to leave. Basically I needed to get laid and the only way to do so without gettng disfellowshipped was to marry some dim witted Witness girl. Boy did I strike gold!
After 11 years of marriage, she took up with an older pot smoking man she worked with, broke up our family (2 kids) and remarried within a month of our divorce. THIS, MY FRIENDS WAS THE FIRST REALLY GOOD THING I CAN REMEMBER ABOUT MY LIFE UP TO THAT POINT.
Since then, I remarried a wonderful NON-WITNESS girl, have three great NON-WITNESS children, finished college, earned a graduate degree in business and have been living the good life. I'm not particularly religious, but do attend a Presbyterian church because my kids enjoy Sunday school with their friends from school and attending church pleases my wife.
By the way, reading Ray Franz book "Crisis of Conscience" in 1984 was the act that opened my eyes to the contemptable nature of the Witness organization. Thank you Ray whereever you are!